Program Implementation

The Implementing Secretary/Program Director and Staff implement the program based on division of divisions, namely:

I. Organizing Division

  1. Conduct the formation and strengthening of groups (Peasant Groups and Peasant Unions) in three regions.
  2. Facilitating thematic discussions in groups about fulfilling socio-political and socioeconomic and cultural rights.
  3. Carry out education/training on: Leadership, Organizational Management, Credit Union Management, Natural Harmony Agricultural Development, etc.
  4. Facilitating orientation/comparative study of farmer groups at local, regional and national levels.
  5. Facilitating hearings/hearings, lobbying, and demonstrations to the Executive and Legislature to fight for the fulfillment of socio-political and socioeconomic and cultural rights: increasing the budget in the agriculture and health sector, the environment, etc., in four districts.  
  6. Campaigns regarding the fulfillment of socio-political and socioeconomic and cultural rights, and efforts to restore the environment through print and electronic media (newspapers, bulletins, local radio, websites, and other media).
  7. Publication of reports and organizing results.
  8. Participate in network activities in order to build networks of people’s organizations and develop staff capacity at the local, regional, national and international levels.

II. Division of Study and Advocacy 

  1. Conducting studies/research on policies and fulfillment of economic and social rights in three districts (budget allocation in the agriculture, education and health sectors in the APBD); the impact of development and industry on the environment in the three mentoring areas.
  2. Facilitating group discussions on: Natural resource management policies, Land Law, Forestry Law, Indigenous Rights, and others.
  3. Policy advocacy and structural cases (land, forest and environment).
  4. Conduct participatory mapping of indigenous territories.
  5. Organizing political/legal, legal/human rights training/education, conflict resolution, village-economic natural resource valuation, and others.
  6. Hold seminars on land, environment, forests, etc.
  7. Development and strengthening of networks of NGOs, churches, government, and other stakeholders who have a contribution or role to the public policy making process.
  8. Campaigns through print and electronic media (newspapers, bulletins, local radio, websites, and other media) about structural and environmental cases, policies that do not protect people’s rights, and about HIV/AIDS.
  9. Facilitating hearings/hearings, lobbying, and demonstrations for the resolution of structural and environmental cases at the local, regional and national level.
  10. Publication of reports and study results; the results of policy advocacy; the results of advocacy on structural and environmental cases.
  11. Participate in network activities in order to build a policy advocacy network and to provide structural cases, environmental cases and in the context of developing staff capacity at the local, regional, national and international levels. 

III. Management Division 

  1. Is a supporting system for supporting the implementation of the activities of the other 2 divisions.
  2. Manage programs and activities to improve management more effectively and efficiently.
  3. Manage data and documents in a systematic data base system so that it can be used as an organizing and advocacy material.
  4. Manage KSPPM communication internally and with other parties, monitor the implementation of activities, and ensure that program planning and implementation are in accordance with the project framework.
  5. Manage financial systems accountably and transparently.