Nagasaribu Indigenous Community Receives Customary Forest Decree (Part-2)
A Winding Journey Dynamics of Struggle. In early 2020, KSPPM together with the Nagasaribu community celebrated the new year in...
A Winding Journey Dynamics of Struggle. In early 2020, KSPPM together with the Nagasaribu community celebrated the new year in...
Initial Introduction to KSPPM That afternoon around 3pm, one of the staff from the Community Initiative Study and Development Group...
Jakarta, Thursday, March 24, 2022 – The Indigenous Peoples of Pargamanan Bintang Maria submitted a petition to the Director of...
Friday, 4 March 2022. The Op. Bolus Indigenous Community had uninvited guests in its ancestral territory, around Aek Bilah river....
Within a week, Sigapiton Village was hit twice by landslides. According to the people in the village, the landslides were...
For decades, the Pargamanan-Bintang Maria Batak Peoples in Humbang Hasundutan have lived side by side with the forest. Forests are...
“Indonesian women demand gender justice and economic justice for women” Tuesday, 8 March 2022 Coinciding with International Women's Day, 45...
Friday, February 24, 2021, Indigenous People Community of Golat Sitanggang held an inauguration of Sopo Perjuangan (Sopo: House/Office/Place to Meet....
Medan, Based on community reports regarding the findings of several human-shaped sculptures, and unreadable characters to the Balige Culture Service...
Nagasaribu (03/02) – Since yesterday, Lake Toba has been visited by a special guest, namely President Joko Widodo, with the...
Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat. Pada tahun 1984, pendahulu kami sangat prihatin dan peduli terhadap realitas kemiskinan, pelanggaran dan kekerasan terhadap hak asasi manusia, serta dampak buruk yang ditimbulkan pembangunan di Indonesia…Selengkapnya
Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat. Pada tahun 1984, pendahulu kami sangat prihatin dan peduli terhadap realitas kemiskinan, pelanggaran dan kekerasan terhadap hak asasi manusia, serta dampak buruk yang ditimbulkan pembangunan di Indonesia…Selengkapnya