Strengthening Each Other to Protect Indigenous Forests
On the second day of the Earth and People Festival (Festival Bumi dan Manusia ) at Huta Ginjang (Friday, 20/5/2022),...
On the second day of the Earth and People Festival (Festival Bumi dan Manusia ) at Huta Ginjang (Friday, 20/5/2022),...
"People's self-reliance (standing on their own feet) is an important ideal of Bung Karno in the struggle for independence," said...
Friday, 20 May 2022. "Tano Batak will definitely be much better if it is built on the sovereignty of Batak...
In his article "A Study of Indorayon: The Battle of 'Organic Intellectuals' vs 'Corporate Intellectuals'" (pp. 213-227), Dimpos Manalu conducts...
This article is relatively old, but some of the issues it raises still seem relevant. What are they? In his...
Learning from Bali On 12-14 March 2022, Leorana Sihotang and I, along with Menti Pasaribu from the Natinggir Indigenous Community...
On 6-12 March I, along with fellow KSPPM staff, Abriani Siahaan and two women from the community, Menti Pasaribu and...
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, a labourer means a person who works in "menial" areas such as construction or...
Abriani Siahaan and Sintia Simbolon's article in this book uses micro-level experiences in Siria-Ria village to reflect on the Food...
A Winding Journey Rebuilding the Organisation After the new board was elected in November 2020, for the first time after...
Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat. Pada tahun 1984, pendahulu kami sangat prihatin dan peduli terhadap realitas kemiskinan, pelanggaran dan kekerasan terhadap hak asasi manusia, serta dampak buruk yang ditimbulkan pembangunan di Indonesia…Selengkapnya
Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat. Pada tahun 1984, pendahulu kami sangat prihatin dan peduli terhadap realitas kemiskinan, pelanggaran dan kekerasan terhadap hak asasi manusia, serta dampak buruk yang ditimbulkan pembangunan di Indonesia…Selengkapnya